Since my arrival in Berlin I have seen a lot of advertising around the city but there is one in specific that has caught my attention. To me it is a form of non-traditional advertising. The form that I am talking about is when the ad is placed on the floor or on a staircase.
AlexanderPlatz, U-Bahn Station
I found this type of advertising very unusual because we do not have this type of advertising in the United States or at less it is not common.
Advertisers in the United States could say that this would not be a very successful method of advertising because it would not only take away credibility of the product or brand you are advertising but you can also show that the product or brand is getting stepped on and is getting diminished.
AlexanderPlatz, U-Bahn Station
As discussed in class, Germans in general are not offended at all by this method of advertising. In the other hand, they found it very useful especially when the ads are place in common places like the train stations and subway stations. They said that they think it is a very effective way to advertise and they explained that people usually look down when walking in the stations and they have the advantage of seeing these ads in the floor.
Picture Sample from the internet
I have learned that this type of advertising is very useful in some places. I can use this as a great example of the importance of research when advertising in different cultures. In some cultures it may work but in others may not.
I want to know what is your opinion about placing an ad in the floor…
I like that you mention this form of non-traditional advertising because I noticed it too. I thought it was very interesting and began to wonder what creators are going to come up with next. We thought we've seen it all. I guess they feel like they have to try and reach their public to the most extreme levels, maybe because no one pays as much attention to traditional advertising anymore. Hmm...