Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cultural Influence in Berlin

Intercultural Analysis blog entry # 3

Berlin Carnival of Cultures, Brazil float

One of the experiences that influenced my opinion about the different cultures in Berlin was the famous carnival of cultures. This carnival has been held in Berlin for the past 14 years, it lasts a week, concluding with a parade on the last day, and portrays around 70 different nationalities around the world. Here I found a great amount of Latin American presence such as Peruvian, Brazilian and Ecuadorian cultures. This observation surprised me very much because during my stay in Berlin I would rarely see too much of these cultures in the every-day life of Berlin.

Berlin Carnival of Cultures, Ecuador float

When I arrived at the carnival of cultures, I observed that a greater amount of the public was of German culture, but the day advanced I begin to see a big part of this carnival was made up of foreign cultures such as Jamaica, Korea, India, Spanish, amongst many others. The conclusion I drew from this experience in Berlin was that when a person begins a new life in a foreign culture they begin to acculturate without losing perspective of their own primary culture. This kind of situation can be seen happen all around the world, I myself am a perfect example of this process. I was born and raised in Colombia, at the age of 14 my family and I moved to the United States allowing me to absorb this culture without losing sight of my Colombian background.

Berlin Carnival of Cultures, Korea float

With my experience of the carnival of cultures I can now reinforce the importance of research when trying to reach a selected target audience.


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